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Ceyero Consulting Releases the Selma, Alabama Performance Accountability Survey Report And City Gove

Selma, Alabama, April 18, 2016 - On November 30, 2015, citizens of Selma, Alabama were encouraged to fill out the Performance Accountability Survey (the "Survey"), and to provide feedback to city leaders about the quality of life in their ward. The Survey consisted of 38 questions, several of which collected demographic and resident information. In addition, several questions solicited free form text answers to collect residents’ ideas and concerns regarding Selma’s progress.

Citizens were able to use smart devices, laptops and personal computers to complete the survey online. The Selma Dallas County Library provided 31 Internet-accessible computers for residents without Internet access. Paper copies of the survey are also made available at City Hall and the Selma Dallas County Library.

The survey was available from November 30, 2015 through February 1, 2016. All paper responses were entered into the Survey Analysis tool analyzed with online entries. A total of 364 valid responses to the questionnaire were collected (non-valid entries were excluded).

Ceyero Consulting, an Atlanta-based firm, was engaged to develop the Survey, analyze the data and draft a report for the City of Selma and produce a City Government Report Card. To obtain a copy of the final report and the report card, click the "Download Report" button below.

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